Vitamins erection: what is the need of men, that potency?

Maintain erection of the stable will help to properly constructed diet and a multivitamin complex with selenium or zinc. To get the minerals and vitamins for men, in order to improve the strength of the can be meat, seafood, offal, vegetables, fruit, herbs, cereals.

Supplement for the integrated treatment of impotence can be to adopt a multivitamin complex for men. These can be purchased from any drugstore section without the corresponding prescription.


Involuntarily the question arises, what kind of assistance tools to choose? Doctors believe that the best option is to choose a polyvitaminic complexes for men.

What vitamins and minerals are necessary to the men?

Erection problems occur every second man aged 50 years. To stabilize the sexual force many patients prefer the use of inhibitors of PDE-5 or useful, and bioadditive.

Use sexual stimulants will help to raise potency and libido. But doctors emphasize that of erectile dysfunction the treatment should be complex. The man must be out of the products and multivitamin complexes to get enough of the macro elements for the blood circulation, the synthesis of testosterone and the prostate work and the quality of the ejaculate.

To keep the potency of the stable, the man is required to get a sufficient number of items such as:

  • Vitamins D and D3. How they can act with potency? Generally, these components are positively affected by the work of the movement and the endocrine system. But there is another interesting fact - the sufficient amount of vitamin D indirectly stimulates the synthesis of androgens.
  • Vitamins Mv They participate in the process in testosterone synthesis. Also b-group vitamins to restore the energy structure of the person and protect the liver toxins effects. Medical devices animal, vitamins are participating in more than 1,500 biochemical processes.
  • Vitamin E. Is natural antioxidant. Vitamin E publish tangible benefits to the circulatory system and capillary permeability. Also part of the positive impact of the work is the human immune system.
  • Vitamin C improves blood circulation, increases the vascular elasticity, positively affected the work of the prostate. Doctors claim that drinking enough vitamin C is an excellent prevention of prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  • Zinc. Macronutrient is the "building materials" the most important men in the androgen – testosterone. Also zinc helps to raise sperm activity and stabilize the work of the immune system. To consume zinc is especially important for men pregnancy planning period.
  • Selenium. The mineral affects the reproductive function, the circulatory system a small bucket and work the prostate.

In what products contain vitamins male potency?

products for men

Get sufficient amounts of vitamins and macro elements that increase the sexual strength can be, how to maintain a balanced diet. Properly constructed diet will greatly improve the potency and increase libido.

In what products contain vitamins an erection, shows a table, which is presented below:

Zinc. Perch, trout, herring, kulduimtuun, shrimp, egg yolks, anchovies, nuts, oysters.
Selenium. Bread, bran, black bread, tomato, eggs, prawns, garlic.
Vitamin C. Onion, cabbage, parsley, carrot, grapefruit, mandarins, lemons, oranges.
Vitamin E.
Celery, green onions, olive oil, egg yolk, linseed oil.
B-group vitamins Other Avocado, banana, beef, milk, tomato, orange, corn, spinach, oatmeal, red caviar, kalina, lemon, spicy pepper, rose.
B-group vitamins On Milk, chicken eggs, vutimuna, cottage cheese, chicken breast, meat, curd, mushrooms, herring, shrimp.